Post from Bimal Gurung Official facebook Page # 01
The students of Darjeeling are ready to sacrifice their education for Gorkhaland. The truth is that the issue of Gorkhaland is more important for the students right now. All these students have voluntarily come forward for this rally as they wanted to contribute towards the fight for Gorkhaland. Their participation is entirely of their own choice. We in the GJM, while welcoming it, would like to remove all misgivings and reiterate that the party has imposed no instructions to students to join in the on-going movement. Thousands of students participated in the rallies for Gorkhaland in the Hills as this demand is more than 100 years old. Our detractors should realise that today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders in the political domain and there has been no use of force on anyone’s part to get them to follow their beliefs. Students in the hills want their own State and I will give them their Gorkhaland. The fight for a separate State is not me for me or my party but it is for these children and their future.