08:02 | Posted by Unknown
They're used to chasing baboons and elephants off their pitch at home in Kenya, but when a group of cricketing Maasai warriors came to Maidstone yesterday, all they had to contend with was some pigeons. Members of 70 Gurkha Field Squadron - based at Invicta Park Barracks, in Royal Engineers Road - played host to the Maasai Cricket Warriors. The match came after the Gurkhas had helped the Maasai warriors construct a cricket pitch back in Kenya, in Maasailand. After a 1-1 scoreline after two matches, they played a deciding match at the barracks, watched by other members of the regiment - with the Gurkhas emerging victorious. The warriors play in their flowing traditional robes, while the Gurkhas opted for more traditional cricket whites.The warriors are staying in the UK to compete in the Last Man Standing contest at Lords and the Oval after adopting the game as a way of promoting social change within their tribe.